Backups are vital. Keep your data safe.
Have you ever lost some critical data from your PC? Lost your
holiday photos, your emails, a vital spreadsheet or document
that you've been working on for days? Have you ever
accidentally deleted a file or overwritten a file with the same
name? Has your PC ever just
failed losing everything? Is your paid-for music
collection protected? Hard drives can fail without any
notice at all, but with an automatic backup system you needn't
lose anything and it doesn't have to cost thousands or even hundreds of
For laptops or PCs this means an inexpensive
portable hard-drive and some simple software
to ensure everything on your PC is kept safe. If you have a
network in your office then a drive big enough to backup all the
PCs can be set up on the network and each PC can backup to the
same backup drive. With a second drive they can be
swapped daily to ensure one backup is always kept off-site:
protecting your data from fire, theft or other disasters.
If you have a server then Gideon-IT can recommend and
install a suitable backup system and software to protect
your business from catastrophic data-loss.